Anthony is passionate about business improvement and growth; he works closely alongside his clients to help their businesses stay on track and exceed expectations. He puts their success down to his ‘hands on’ approach, his ability to identify and resolve a broad range of business issues and his knowledge of commonly made mistakes. Anthony also has significant experience in property, construction and related industries, business mentoring and training, asset protection and estate planning.
Anthony is a great choice for the NZIA’s professional development sessions. Combining his skillset as an accountant and business advisor with strategy to forge an exciting and successful career. We know today’s architect principals juggle more than just design projects – there’s also managing your brand, exploring new formats and revenue opportunities, business succession issues and potentially working with clients and collaborators on a global scale.
Anthony will explore the complexity and opportunities of architects as business owners, making each session a networking and development event NZIA members can’t afford to miss.
NZIA members can contact NZIA for more details at
Unable to attend? Catch Anthony at an Alliott NZ business presentation in 2016 by keeping an eye on the Events section of our homepage