The Business Advisory Blog

The Business Advisory Blog

Insight, news and updates from Alliott NZ Chartered Accountants, Auckland New Zealand. The views expressed here are the views of the author and should be discussed in further detail should an article be relevant to your individual circumstances.

While every effort has been made to provide valuable, useful information in this publication, this firm and any related suppliers or associated companies accept no responsibility or any form of liability from reliance upon or use of its contents. Any suggestions should be considered carefully within your own particular circumstances, as they are intended as general information only.

What to measure and why
It's critical to monitor business performance. Here's how to choose the right KPIs for your business.
26 June 2024 Read More
cash flow
Strategies to boost business cash flow
By implementing these strategies, improve your business cash flow and ensure greater financial stability for the future.
29 April 2024 Read More
point of sale POS
QR Quishing Scams
Scammers turn to QR codes as banks warn of Christmas danger.
20 December 2023 Read More
eCommerce lowering traditional barriers and inspiring entrepreneurialism
eCommerce is lowering traditional barriers to entry for small businesses, says a new Xero study, which is creating a new generation of profitable niche operations.
08 August 2022 Read More
business owners
Mastering the art of Instagram
Here are the latest insights from Insta expert, Tasha Meys, who co-hosts a top-ranked Instagram podcast.
01 August 2022 Read More
Understanding Volatility in Your Business
It is important to identify and understand the causes of the volatility in your business and develop a plan to deal with it.
27 July 2022 Read More
Managing business cash flow and income
Takeaways for small businesses — there are a few things small businesses can do to help support their recovery, according to Xero’s small business trends report.
07 March 2022 Read More
7 Best Practices in Digital Transformation of a Business
Most business leaders agree that branding is important in business. Given the opportunity, they’d like to strengthen their brand to generate more leads, grow sales and increase customer loyalty. How do you ‘strengthen a brand’? It can get murky at this point... so let’s take a closer look.
14 February 2022 Read More
cost accounting
2021 Business Planning
Business leaders are looking ahead to next year and considering what to prioritise. Data can play an important part in these decisions… provided it is used wisely. Our article contains ideas on how data can explain the drivers of your business and where you should focus your efforts.
07 December 2020 Read More
coronavirus COVID-19
The Importance of Sales Process
Sales is not only about having great products available at an attractive price. Weak sales processes can hold a business back… so it’s worth looking at how you can get super-efficient in sales. Fortunately, data can help us. In this article, we look at seven ways to refine your ‘sales machine’ to drive better sales performance and provide a video on what to measure in sales. 
09 November 2020 Read More
customer experience
Business Resilience: Focusing on the Priorities
Do you know where to focus your energy in your business? How to identify the key drivers of your business success? Our article will help you to prioritise the initiatives that will make a difference.
21 September 2020 Read More
cash flow
5 Steps to Stronger Cash Flow Management
Some businesses are finding opportunities in the COVID19 environment while others struggle. Common to all businesses is the need for astute cash management. In our article, we look at some best practices to help you best utilise your cash.
14 September 2020 Read More
08 September 2024 Read More